Produse pentru pentru aer (5180)

Compresor de aer DWK-SL

Compresor de aer DWK-SL

Air compressor DWK-SL Voltage:12 V max. pressure:150 PSI Weight:2,8 kg Performance:60 l/min
Umidificator de aer - B 1 E - Umidificator de aer - B 1 E

Umidificator de aer - B 1 E - Umidificator de aer - B 1 E

Respirare meglio significa vivere in modo più salutare! Con l'umidificatore 2 in 1 B 1 E della Trotec, trasformate la vostra casa in una oasi di benessere per le sensibili mucose e le vie respiratorie, semplicemente premendo un pulsante. Provvedete a prevenire per es. i raffreddamenti, gli occhi irritati o la pelle secca, grazie a un'umidità dell'aria ottimale. Voi l'avreste saputo? Le persone passano in medio solo circa il 20 % del giorno all'aria fresca all'aperto. Il resto del tempo respiriamo aria ambientale contaminata da polvere domestica, allergeni e altre sostanze irritanti, e quest'aria ambientale è inoltre spesso troppo secca. Un'umidità dell'aria inferiore ai valori ottimali del 40 fino a 60 % irrita in aggiunta le mucose sensibili e favorisce le malattie da raffreddamento e la tosse. Sono in particolare i bambini e i soggetti allergici a esserne affetti. Applicazioni:di aria Tipo:ad ultrasuoni


With more than 35 years of air filtration experience, Mia Air offers you the latest filtration technology. Mia Air has been designed to provide fresh clean air by trapping 99.999 % of ultra-fine particles in the air. It has 11 m2 filtration area and 100 m2 effective room coverage. By using HEPA filtration, which traps extremely small particles, Mia Air can transform polluted air into clean air in seconds.
Filtre pentru electroeroziune - ulei de tăiere și emulsie

Filtre pentru electroeroziune - ulei de tăiere și emulsie

Gamme complète de filtres pour tous les matériels et machines utilisés dans les secteurs industriels. Machines-outils, bandes filtrantes Huiles de coupe et émulsions Injection plastique Electroérosion Aspirateurs et Balayeuses
Încălzitor cu tijă (2,10 kW / 2.150 mm)

Încălzitor cu tijă (2,10 kW / 2.150 mm)

Üretim YeriTürkiye MarkaFer Isı Ürün TipiPaslanmaz Çelik - Çubuk Rezistans Rezistans TipiTek Elemanlı - Çift Çıkışlı Isıtıcı Gücü (Watt)2.100 Boy (mm)2.260 Kablo Uzunluğu (mt.)1,00 Ürün Kodu:86.02.660
Răcitoare de cabină model VM mediu - răcitoare de cabină

Răcitoare de cabină model VM mediu - răcitoare de cabină

Las unidades del modelo VM mediano están diseñadas para aplicaciones de servicios semipesados, tales como grúas de proceso, cabinas de operadores, refugios, contenedores en metalurgia, petróleo y gas, cemento, energía, automoción, minería y puertos. Las principales características y ventajas de este producto son; Diseño compacto plug & play, menos necesidades de servicios de montaje. Los modos de: refrigeración, solo ventilador y calefacción están disponibles mientras el filtrado está funcionando. Capacidad de enfriamiento:2 kW - 7 kW Rango de temperatura ambiente de servicio:-15°c / +80°c Resistente al polvo:Diseño duradero contra el polvo Resistente a la corrosión:Diseño duradero contra la corrosión Resistente a la vibración:Diseño duradero contra la vibración
Film de protecție pentru cabină - Soluțiile noastre de filtrare

Film de protecție pentru cabină - Soluțiile noastre de filtrare

Film adhésif de protection de cabine conçu pour protéger et masquer les surfaces telles que parois, murs, vitres et lumières des cabines de peinture. Film de protection de haute qualité, étirable et adhésif conçu pour protéger et masquer rapidement et efficacement les surfaces des cabines de peinture, vernis ou pulvérisation de produits collants. Ce film est à appliquer sur une surface propre et sèche avec une machine applicatrice. La pose est facile et s’effectue sans tension excessive du film, sans plis ni bulles. Ce film n’a pas de propriété repositionnable. Depuis 1992, Technicis Filtration est leader dans la fabrication et fourniture de filtres et équipements liés à la peinture au pistolet en cabines de peinture. Hauteur:0,50m ou 1m Longueur:100m Diamètre du mandrin:76mm Couleur:transparent ou blanc densité Dimensions:2,60m x 17m 1,80m x 25m 1,40m x 33m 0,55m x 33m
RĂCITOR DE MASĂ (RĂCITOR DE Birou) - Răcitor de birou flexibil cu densitate mare de putere.

RĂCITOR DE MASĂ (RĂCITOR DE Birou) - Răcitor de birou flexibil cu densitate mare de putere.

Kelvion offre una delle gamme di prodotti più ampie sul mercato. La nostra gamma di prodotti spazia dai raffreddatori ad aria personalizzati a quelli commerciali e persino industriali. Ciò include gamme di modelli ottimizzati per il processo, unici per numero e funzioni speciali.
OXIDATOR TERMIC REGENERATIV - Oxidatori echipați cu schimbătoare de căldură regenerative

OXIDATOR TERMIC REGENERATIV - Oxidatori echipați cu schimbătoare de căldură regenerative

Gli RTO sfruttano la capacità di una massa di materiale inerte di accumulare calore generato dal processo di combustione e di restituirlo in una fase successiva. Questi impianti sono costituiti da due o più masse inerti che fungono alternativamente da "preriscaldatori" e da "recuperatori" di calore in funzione del senso di attraversamento dell'aria sulle stesse. L'efficienza di recupero termico può arrivare fino al 97% e il calore prodotto dall'ossidazione dei COV, anche presenti in basse concentrazioni nell'aria da trattare, permette all'impianto di raggiungere la condizione di autosostentamento e di ridurre drasticamente il consumo del combustibile di supporto con una sensibile riduzione dei costi operativi dell'impianto. Gli RTO possono raggiungere efficienze di abbattimento superiori al 99,8%; è la soluzione ideale per molti settori industriali, oltre che per l'abbattimento degli odori.
Monitor de Calitate a Aerului Interior AiM

Monitor de Calitate a Aerului Interior AiM

Découvrez l'avenir de la qualité de l'air intérieur avec AiM, la solution de surveillance innovante à énergie solaire d'ESCOM Enhanced Solutions. Ce système de pointe mesure sans effort la température, l'humidité, la pression, la qualité de l'air et les niveaux de CO2. Exploitant la technologie sans fil et un panneau solaire intégré, l'AiM offre une solution écologique et sans entretien pour obtenir des données complètes sur la qualité de l'air en temps réel. Conçu pour une utilisation 24 heures sur 24 et 7 jours sur 7, l'AiM fonctionne jusqu'à une semaine dans l'obscurité lorsqu'il est entièrement chargé. Son alerte intelligente de niveau d'énergie faible vous permet d'être toujours prêt, et une alerte sonore vous signale lorsque les niveaux de CO2 atteignent un seuil défini, ce qui donne la priorité à la sécurité et au bien-être des occupants.
LIAISON FLARE - Conexiune izolată și flareată din fabrică, gata de utilizare

LIAISON FLARE - Conexiune izolată și flareată din fabrică, gata de utilizare

Liaison isolée et flarée en usine prête à l'emploi. Cuivre qualité SUPERCLEAN. Fabriqué en France. Qualité du cuivre:SUPERCLEAN Livraison:2 Mono-tubes ou 1 Bi-tubes flarés Raccords FLARE matricés:FE
Cairsens® H₂S / CH₄S - Soluție miniaturală pentru monitorizarea continuă în timp real a H2S / CH4S

Cairsens® H₂S / CH₄S - Soluție miniaturală pentru monitorizarea continuă în timp real a H2S / CH4S

The Cairsens© H₂S / CH₄S sensor allows specific pollutant measurement comparable to reference methods. Measured Parameter:H2S / CH4S Measuring Range (ppm):0 – 1 | 0 – 20 | 0 – 200 Certified Detection Limit (ppm):0.01 | 0.03 | 0.2 Resolution (ppm):0.001 Operating Temperature (°C):-20 to +40
Insert de șemineu UNIFLAM 850 PRESTIGE cu clapetă, alimentare cu aer ref. 607-844 - UNIFLAM PRESTIGE

Insert de șemineu UNIFLAM 850 PRESTIGE cu clapetă, alimentare cu aer ref. 607-844 - UNIFLAM PRESTIGE

Advantages of the UNIFLAM PRESTIGE fireplace insert Air supply from the outside The insert is equipped with a direct supply of air from the outside to the furnace. The air can be supplied through a 100mm diameter flex pipe or a 150x50mm rectangular duct . The damper knob is located in the upper part of the insert facade. Regulation of the air supplied to the combustion process The amount of air supplied to the combustion process is regulated by means of a knob located in the lower part of the façade. Air is taken from a direct air inlet and delivered under the grate and directly onto the glass, creating an air curtain that prevents excessive soiling of the glass. producer:uniflam weight [kg] :130.0000
FireFox 2 C (Unealtă hidropneumatică pentru montarea piulițelor cu nituri oarbe)

FireFox 2 C (Unealtă hidropneumatică pentru montarea piulițelor cu nituri oarbe)

Hydro-pneumatic blind rivet nut setting tool with setting process monitoring - FireFox® 2 C – With setting process monitoring This tool is based on the proven TAURUS® C model. Here the setting process is analysed via integrated electronics using stroke and force sensors. The user can defi ne an OK window by means of a special software. A coloured LED on the tool shows the results of the setting process monitoring which can also be recorded and processed via data line. Apllications In the serial production of safety component parts as well as in automated setting processes the FireFox® C allows checking and documentation of the setting process. Advantages • High process safety • Documentation of each individual setting process • Less scrap since errors can be immediately identifi ed Material:Steel, aluminium, plastic
Mutator de paleți sclavi - Logistică aeroportuară - Transport aerian

Mutator de paleți sclavi - Logistică aeroportuară - Transport aerian

The slave pallet mover is an electrically operated floor conveyor for transporting slave pallets. It is powered by a battery and has a lifting unit for elevating pallets. Three forks ensure the ULDs are transferred safely. This means slave pallets can be moved throughout the building quickly and easily. Flexible transshipment of slave pallets Flexible organization of build and break positions IATA-compliant handling of ULDs Careful ULD handling Capacity:7,500 kg Cargo:ULD max. 10 ft Max. lifting speed:0.025 m/s Max. lifting stroke:455 mm Overall size (l x w):4,130 x 1,720 mm
HVAC - sudarea construcțiilor - produse pentru încălzire, ventilație și aer condiționat

HVAC - sudarea construcțiilor - produse pentru încălzire, ventilație și aer condiționat

Base Group specializes in the manufacturing of products for heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC). We have been providing services in the heating, ventilation and air-conditioning sector for many years. We are manufacturer of heating structures, ventilation structures and air conditioning industry structures upon the earlier consultation with customers concerning their requirements.
Senzori de flux de aer - Viteza de flux - Senzori de flux de aer - Viteza de flux

Senzori de flux de aer - Viteza de flux - Senzori de flux de aer - Viteza de flux

Les capteurs EGE pour la mesure de la vitesse d'écoulement des fluides gazeux non explosifs surveillent la vitesse d'écoulement des fluides gazeux de 0,2 à 60 m/s. Ils possèdent des tubes de mesure d'une seule pièce d'un diamètre intérieur de 9 mm en acier inoxydable V4A (1.4571) très résistant. Ils nécessitent peu d'entretien, ne comportent aucune pièce mobile et ne présentent aucune perte de pression. Les capteurs offrent une sortie de commutation, de relais ou analogique. Les capteurs de débit pour les fluides gazeux fournissent un signal proportionnel au débit massique d'air. Les appareils se règlent intuitivement à l'aide d'un potentiomètre et d'un affichage LED. Les LDN 500 sont particulièrement adaptés à la surveillance fiable du débit d'air comprimé et d'autres gaz.
Furtun Izolat pentru Aer Cald SPIRA ISO L - SHP Primaflex GmbH

Furtun Izolat pentru Aer Cald SPIRA ISO L - SHP Primaflex GmbH

Isolierter, flexibler Warmluftschlauch mit zwischen der inneren und äußeren Gewebealgen liegender Isolierung. Hervorragend geeignet zur Durchleitung von klimatisierter Luft. Isolierter, flexibler Warmluftschlauch mit zwischen der inneren und äußeren Gewebealgen liegender Isolierung. Außen mit Scheuerschutz. Handwerklich mit speziellem Know-how genähtes Qualitätsprodukt aus hochwertigem Rohmaterial. Hervorragend geeignet zur Durchleitung von klimatisierter Luft an mobilen oder stationären Klimageräten, z.B. auf Flughäfen an PCA-Anlagen. Auch zur energiebewussten Klimatisierung von Hallen, Zelten, Bauten. Durch die Isolierung wird geringer Temperaturverlust gewährleistet.
Încălzitoare electrice de aer - Încălzitoare electrice de aer TYP LEH-A

Încălzitoare electrice de aer - Încălzitoare electrice de aer TYP LEH-A

Electric Air heater Electrical air heater type “LEH-A” are intended for the heating of gaseous media. The main applications are the heating of air in ventilation - / air conditioning or heat-recovery installations. Wide use areas are applications of the process - / environment-technology i.e. at the catalytic afterburning of exhaust fumes or drying ovens or in the plastic - / textile or paper industry. Through a variable construction concept, diverse use possibilities emerge. The application of highly compacted electrical heating elements with high purity compacted magnesium oxide powder sheathed metal tube and the direct heat transfer at the medium to be heated leads to an efficient realization of the electric energy to thermal energy. Special materials of acid constant rustproof steel stand for the heating of aggressive media by disposal. Alternatively, the heaters can be delivered also in the materials INCOLOY, INCONEL, HASTELLOY and MONEL. The air heater essentially consist of the following main-components: Process flange Rod heating elements Temperature Sensors (Thermostat / Thermocouple / RTD) Electrical terminal box
Garnitură, Descărcare Aer - Piese de Schimb pentru Pompe AODD

Garnitură, Descărcare Aer - Piese de Schimb pentru Pompe AODD

Gasket, Air Discharge - AODD Pumps Spare Parts Product Code:#000420
FR-LX - Mixer Ușor pentru Tambur

FR-LX - Mixer Ușor pentru Tambur

Lightweight electric mixer with direct screwing into 2“ bung hole. The FR-LX series mixer stands for easy handling. Aluminum being the material of the housings and the adapters, this is a lightweight solution with a total weight of only 10 kg. The agitator is screwed directly onto the on-top 2” bung hole of the tank thanks to either a 2”-steel or a 2”-fluoroware coupling. Therefore, this agitator can not only be screwed onto steel tanks but also onto plastic tanks with bung hole. The mobile mixer FR-LX is by default equipped with an on-/off-switch with low voltage breaker and connection cable. The FR-LX could also be equipped with a frequency inverter upon request. Additionally, we can supply your open lid drums with a traverse bridge or a vessel clamp.
Cutie de plen pentru supapa de aer - cu garnituri - FLX-PLO

Cutie de plen pentru supapa de aer - cu garnituri - FLX-PLO

FLXPLO / FLXPRO plenum boxes are components of the FLXREKU system intended for domestic mechanical ventilation systems, also known as mechanical ventilation heat recovery (MVHR) or heat recovery ventilation. The low profile plenum boxes require less installation space than standard solutions, which is very convenient when they should not be prominent once concealed. This advantage helps free up usable indoor area. FLXPLO plenum boxes are made of galvanized steel sheet. Plenum boxes made from stainless steel are available on request. Available also insulated plenum box version FLXPLI and FLXPRI. These plenum boxes have inside a insulation lining made from 9 mm thick rubber foam. FLXPLO plenum boxes are equipped with duct connection spigot Ød2 with a EPDM seal – this type of connection with FLXHDPE ducting is airtight and easy to install.
Gbi - Ventilator Cimme cu Presiune Mică Tip Gbi - Transmisie Directă - Aer

Gbi - Ventilator Cimme cu Presiune Mică Tip Gbi - Transmisie Directă - Aer

Air poussiéreux. Ventilateur avec moteur à accouplement direct. Turbine à pâles incurvées vers l'avant Taille 350 > 900 T° maxi d'utilisation 80°C (150°C avec turbine de refroidissement) Débit entre 2 et 315 m³/min (faire × 60 pour convertir en m³/h) Pression totale ente 194 et 1882 kgf/m² (faire × 10 pour convertir en Pascal) Puissance installée entre 0.37 et 132 kW Lien vers notre site web dédié aux ventilateurs industriels Marque:Cimme
Parfum pentru lumânări din lemn de santal - Parfumuri non-UFI la 10%

Parfum pentru lumânări din lemn de santal - Parfumuri non-UFI la 10%

Un parfum élégant aux notes boisées, où l'aubépine délicate s'associe aux profondeurs du bois de santal et du cèdre, créant une harmonie subtile relevée par la douceur de la fève tonka et du musc. Idéal pour ceux qui apprécient une fragrance à la fois riche et douce. Famille Olfactive:Boisé Notes de tête:Aubépine, élémi Notes de coeur:Santal, cèdre
Rola de aeroport, Unități de marfă aeriană

Rola de aeroport, Unități de marfă aeriană

Design and construction This Schulz ball caster / air cargo unit consists of a casing and top cover as solid turned parts, a bearing ball and several support balls. Special model with separate ball cup as an airport ball caster. Dimensions The spacing is calculated by dividing the shortest edge length of the object to be transported by 3.5. Casing:tempered, galvanised steel, tempered stainless steel Lid:galvanised steel, stainless steel Ball cup:tempered steel, tempered stainless steel Support balls:tool steel (tempered), stainless steel (tempered) Bearing ball:tool steel (tempered), stainless steel (tempered), plastic Temperature range:from -30°C to +100°C (up to +30°C with plastic bearing ball) Conveyance velocity:up to 1.5 m/s. Dynamic load rating:up to max. 800 kg
Air - Canapea

Air - Canapea

The idea behind ARIA was to give a fresh and modern look to the padded back cushion. Available in 2 or 3 seater and armchair with pouf. Elegant look and great comfort guaranteed by HR foam inside the seat cushions and silicone padding on the back of the sofa. Available in many different fabrics and colors of wooden legs.
T-egal din aluminiu pentru tuburi de rețea de aer comprimat - Parte a sistemului de țevi Prevost.

T-egal din aluminiu pentru tuburi de rețea de aer comprimat - Parte a sistemului de țevi Prevost.

La nouvelle gamme de réseaux d’air comprimé Prevost Piping System 100% en aluminium, comprend des tubes et des raccords en aluminium, compacts, légers et résistants. Ils s’installent facilement et rapidement pour une mise en pression immédiate. La gamme Prevost Piping System garantit : • un air toujours propre et de qualité • un réseau étanche et un débit optimisé • une pression de service de 16 bar Les postes de travail sont bien alimentés, accessibles et ergonomiques. L’installation est pérenne et peut aisément évoluer. Plus d'informations sur notre site internet : Ou sur notre chaine YouTube : Technologie:PPS Grip Concept Vide:-0.98 bar (98% vide) Matière:Tube et raccords aluminium Conforme aux normes:TÜV, REACH, Qualicoat Pression d'utilisation:0 à 16 bar Température:-20°C à +80°C Point fort:Système évolutif
12-180 Man TGL Set - KNORR

12-180 Man TGL Set - KNORR

12-180 Man TGL Set - KNORR Product Code:CHS1012 Product Weight:4,040 gr ± %10
Măsurător de debit de aer OPTIMASS 3000 - Măsurător de debit de aer / efect Coriolis / masic / în linie

Măsurător de debit de aer OPTIMASS 3000 - Măsurător de debit de aer / efect Coriolis / masic / în linie

La solución para medición de caudales bajos El OPTIMASS 3000 es la solución rentable para la medida precisa en una variedad de aplicaciones, donde hay un caudal de proceso bajo. Combinado con la potencia del MFC 400, el OPTIMASS 3000 proporcionará una medición precisa de la masa, volumen, densidad y concentración. — Primera opción para aplicaciones de bajo caudal — Contención secundaria certificada — Una huella común para los tres tamaños, en Hastelloy ® o de Acero Inoxidable Aplicaciones::para bajo caudal Tecnología::de efecto Coriolis; másico Otras características::en línea
Venti de aer automate

Venti de aer automate

Automatic air vent, nickel-plated ½” M Plastic automatic air vent ½” M Brass automatic air vent ½” M